Our Services

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is a must-have technology for successful revenue marketing because it allows marketers to efficiently build, deploy, measure and optimize their campaigns and programs while properly aligning with and supporting their sales team. Marketing automation is the only way to track, score, and manage your leads and segments in real-time, at scale.

But it takes more than just a marketing automation platform. Synthesis deeply understands your prospects buying cycle, designs a lead management process that aligns to that unique cycle and can consult with you to determine the best martech stack to meet your objectives.

Lead Nurture

Lead Nurture is a mid-funnel strategy and supporting set of tactics that establishes, develops and tracks relationships with leads who aren’t yet ready to buy, all with the aim of determining when that lead may be ready for a sales conversation.

 It aligns with the Consideration stage of the buyer’s journey. That’s when your prospects are educating themselves about how they can best solve their problem and become a hero at their company. It’s when they’re searching for a credible brand, product or service they can trust.

Smart companies use lead nurturing to pull leads deeper into their value proposition – and closer to their sales team – with personalized messaging and targeted content. Your content should share your point of view, educate, entertain and hopefully solve a program for your audience.

Account Based Marketing

Account-based Marketing has been proven to help B2B marketers align more strategically with Sales to build personalized campaigns targeted toward specific accounts. The approach helps organizations engage with higher-value opportunities earlier in the sales process, and maximize the ROI of marketing campaigns.

And it works. Recent research concurs that the majority of businesses agree ABM delivers higher ROI than other types of marketing.

But getting started with ABM involves many moving parts – from deciding what technologies to leverage, to getting everyone on-board and aligned around ABM initiatives.

Synthesis can help you develop and launch an effective ABM strategy with a tailored approach. Working with your team and key stakeholders, we’ll determine the best ways to leverage ABM for driving conversions and revenue from key accounts.


Market Research

Synthesis conducts in-depth quantitative and qualitative research studies to develop insights that drive strategy decisions. Potential research topics include brand strength, competitive insights, price elasticity, market drivers, prospect needs, buying journey, message receptivity and product position and lifecycle studies.

Persona Development

How well do you know your prospects? Synthesis leverages research insights and a proven methodology to document buyer and influencer motivations, pain points, buying journey and committee involvement and preferred channels of engagement. Used by content creators, sales leaders and revenue marketers to target the right person at the right time with the right message, persona work and have a profound impact on revenue results.

Sales Enablement

Giving your sales team what they need to close more business, more efficiently closes more business thereby lowering average cost per sale. Sales Enablement happens at the bottom of the funnel, during the consequential Decision stage of the customer journey.

An effective Sales Enablement program transforms the way marketing and sales work together to improve conversion rates, pipeline velocity, lead management processes and visibility into the funnel – resulting in an improved user experience through the customer journey.